Duarte Historical Society & Museum
Duarte Historical Society & Museum

Duarte Historical Society and Museum

Executive Board Member Meeting Calendar

The bylaws call for meeting quarterly (4 time a year) - for Executive Board


Date                                                                                      Agenda

4:00 PM, Wednesday, January 21st, 2015               Executive Board Only - Planning for the year

4:00 PM, Wednesday, April 8th, 2015                      Executive Board Only

4:00 PM, Wednesday, July 8th, 2015                        Executive Board Only

4:00 PM, Wednesday, Oct 14th, 2015                      Executive Board Only

3:00 PM, Sunday, November 22nd, 2015                 Annual Membership Meeting – All members invited



  • Welcome                                                                    Claudia Heller, President

  • Roll Call of Executive Board Members                  Zoe Osburn, Secretary

  • Approval of Last Meeting Minutes                        Claudia Heller, President

  • Public Comment (community input)                     Claudia Heller, President

  • Finance Report                                                          Steve Baker, Treasure

  • Museum Activities Report                                       Sheri Uhlig, Vice President

  • Docent and Volunteer Report                                 Sheri Uhlig, Vice President

  • Curator Report                                                          Dilip Tiwari, Asst. Curator

  • Building and Maintenance Report                         Boyd Leeson, Museum Director

  • Fundraising Activity Report                                     Jack Ochoa, Fundraising Committee

  • Old Business                                                              Claudia Heller, President

  • New Business                                                            Claudia Heller, President


Agenda not to exceed 1:30

Public Comment not to exceed 3 minutes per person

Robert’s Rules of Order used for all meetings.

Cerro Gordo Ghost Town

By Alan Heller


Sunday, August 18, 2024

3 p.m.

Contact Us Today!

Duarte Historical Society & Museum

777 Encanto Parkway

Duarte, CA 91010


Phone: (626) 357-9419


Send Mail to: P.O. Box 263, Duarte, CA 91009


Website: www.RanchoDeDuarte.org

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© Duarte Historical Society & Museum, Rancho de Duarte